
We hope that you will attend the upcoming CVRS conference and present your current work in the field of vision and visual impairments in childhood. You can submit your abstract via the (online registration form) until 15 January 2025

Please note:

  • the abstract should be written in English
  • should be less than 250 words
  • should be structured as follows: Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusion
  • please provide 3 – 5 keywords
  • the name of the presenting author should be written in capital letters
  • indicate the affiliation of all authors
  • indicate the e-mail address of the corresponding author
  • decide whether you would prefer to give an oral presentation (10 minutes) or a poster presentation (printed in 74 x 74 cm format)
  • abstracts that have already been accepted at previous conferences will not be accepted

The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and all authors will be informed about the acceptance of their contribution by 15 February 2025.

The organisers reserve the right to change the preferred presentation method between an oral presentation and a poster.

All abstracts will be published in the online book of abstracts.


We also invite you to submit your research paper for publication in the thematic issue of the Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Research (Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, HRRI)

Please refer to the author guidelines on the journal’s website http://hrri.erf.hr/?page_id=17 and submit your paper until 1 May 2025.
All papers submitted (at no additional cost for open access publication) will be reviewed according to the journal’s guidelines.

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